I’m Patrick Santino. I build apps for work (and for fun).

I've been exposed to computers at a tender age of 7, my first memory of it was my dad playing DotA on his Pentium Core 2 Duo-powered PC. It fascinates me what fun things you could do with just a mouse and a keyboard.

That's the very first thing that led me into this field. After I finished high school I pursued an Information Systems degree since it was related to computer and its career path flexibility. During my studies I tried many interesting fields in computer science including UI/UX Design, Data Science, Cyber Security, etc, but in the end the only thing I've ever liked is programming.

I finshed my studies while doing some internships to experience what it's like to build actual software that people used. I also participated in a programming club during my time in uni.

Today, I work as a software engineer at PT. Pegadaian.